evolutionists is total ly unscientific nonsense!
S t ud i e s hav e s hown t ha t c r ea t u r e s be s t u s e
their energies when they walk on either two feet
or four . Creatures spend twi ce the energy when
they t ry to wa l k bent and out of the i r natura l
Then, why would the apes walk bent , spending
twice the energy, for thousands of years? It would
be the same as if an adult human tried to crawl
with a ful l load on his back. Would you, whi le able
to walk comfortabl y on your two feet , suddenl y
decide to do a handstand and walk henceforth on
your palms? Obvious ly, no creature would swi tch
from a relaxed walking style to an uncomfortable
wa l k i ng s t y l e . A l l ah has c r eat ed each c r eatur e
with the abi l ity to move in the most comfortable
In conc lus ion, the theory of evolut ion cannot
answer the quest ion, “Why did four - l egged apes
decide one day to walk on only two?”
It is impossible for apes that walk bent on four feet to change
into human beings who walk upright on two feet.