Wonders of Allah's Creation by Harun Yahya - page 136

Ou r Lo r d i s t he One Who ha s pu t b i l l i on s o f
pieces of information in a place so smal l that our
eyes cannot even see it .
Al lah is the One Who has created us, our eyes,
our hair, and our feet .
He is also the Creator of our fami l ies, parents,
brothers and sisters, friends and teachers.
Al lah is the One Who has created the food that
we love for us, chocolates, cakes and candies, the
frui ts and vegetabl es that make us heal thy and
strong. If Al lah had not created it, we would not
have known what chocolate tasted l ike.
Al lah has also given us the sense of taste and
smel l . If He had not given us these faculties, we
would not have been able to taste the things that
we eat . It would have been the same whether we
ate a potato or a cake. Al lah hasn’t just created
de l i c i ous and beaut i fu l l y scented foods , He has
al so gi ven us the facul t i es that wi l l al low us to
enjoy them.
You l ike some things, and you enjoy them and
think of them as fun. It could be a dessert that
you enjoy eating, a game that you enjoy playing,
or an outing with people you love. You must never
forget that Al lah is the One Who makes it possible
for you to enjoy such things.
Since Al lah has great mercy for you, He always
gives you pleasant and beautiful things.
To begin with, you did not exist . Just think, you
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