when evolutionists claim that DNA was formed by
chance? It sounds l ike someone saying, “There was
an exp l os i on i n the pub l i sh i ng house and a l l of
these volumes of books happened by themselves.”
Maybe whi l e you were s i tt ing at your desk in
school , you came across a page that had the title
“Geographic Features of the World”, and when you
asked who had written this page, a friend of yours
repl ied: “A l ittle whi le ago there was a bottle of
ink on this paper . I incidental ly spi l led it and this
wr i t ing appeared! ” Would you not think that he
had lost his mind?
Evolutionists claim something that is even more
unl ikely.
As even a page of writing cannot be without a
writer, neither can a huge data bank such as DNA
happen by itself .
Al lah, Who is the Almighty and the Al l -wise, Who
has power to do anything, Who is the Creator of
t he heav en s and ea r t h and wha t e v e r e l s e i n
between them, is also the Creator of DNA.