If you saw a car whi le you were out walking in the
woods and asked how this car got there, and someone
t o l d you t ha t s ome ma t e r i a l s f r om t he wood s came
together and formed this car, would you bel ieve him? Is
a person in hi s r ight mind i f he says that the motor ,
accelerator pedal , steer ing wheel , brakes , handbrake ,
windshield, chassis, and other pieces of a car happened
to come into existence by chance and came together to
form a vehicle?
The eye ’ s st ructure i s much more comp l i cated and
flawless than that of a car . Then we should wonder as
wel l about the sanity of those who claim that the eye
happened by chance.
Darwin was also not able to understand how the eye
came about and he said, “I remember wel l the time when
the thought of the eye made me cold al l over .” (Norman
Macbeth, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason, Boston;
Gambit, 1971, page 101) The author of the theory was
he l p l e s s when i t c ame t o e x p l a i n i ng t he pe r f e c t
structure of the eye.
Did you ever closely examine the feathers of a bird?
The feathers of birds have very complex features that
help them to fly. The feathers of each species of birds
have d i f ferent co l ours and we enj oy l ook i ng at them
quite a lot . For example, the feathers of the peacock are
so beautiful that people have made them the subjects of
paintings or needlepoint canvases.
However, someone did not l ike the feathers of birds
If you saw a car while you
were out walking in the woods
and asked how this car got
there, and someone told you
that some materials from the
woods came together and
formed this car, would you
believe him?