Wonders of Allah's Creation by Harun Yahya - page 118

If the ancestors of humans are apes, we should
find the fossi ls of creatures that are half human
and ha l f ape as conf i rmat i on . Howeve r , such a
f o s s i l has no t been d i s cove r ed unt i l t oday . We
have only found the fossi ls of humans or apes. This
means that Evolutionists have absolutely no proof
that apes are the ancestors of humans.
However, evolutionists try to trick people with
their theories. How?
1. Evolutionists show the fossi ls of extinct ape
spec i es as i f they be l ong to c reatures that are
half human and half ape.
You probably have seen pictures such as the one
abo v e . You s e e , by d r aw i ng s u c h p i c t u r e s ,
evolutionists try to confuse people. In truth, such
creatures have never ex i sted. In the past , there
used to be complete humans and complete apes ,
just l ike the ones today. None of the half ape and
half human creatures shown in the above drawing
has ever existed. This is far too unl ikely to happen.
As we stated earl ier, not one fossi l has been found
to prove it .
However, evolutionists constantly try new tricks
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