Ano t he r f a l s e s t a t emen t t ha t e v o l u t i on i s t s
make is about how birds came about .
The i r tal l tal e i s that rept i l es l i v ing on trees
started to jump from tree to tree, and whi le they
were jumping, they developed wings . Yet another
tal l tale is that some repti les trying to catch fl ies
were running f lapping thei r forearms , and these
forearms turned into wings.
I s n ’ t i t l ud i c r ou s t o imag i ne a d i no s au r
deve loping wings whi l e running? Things l ike thi s
only happen in stories or in cartoons.
There is an even more important subject . These
evolutionists say that this big dinosaur developed
its wings when it was trying to catch fl ies. Wel l ,
then how did the fly take off? Where did the fly’s
wings come from? Instead of explaining how an
enormous dinosaur started to f l y , l et them just
explain how the l ittle fly started to fly!
The reptile that the evolutionists claim is trying to fly.