It can never be possible because there are a lot
of differences between fish and land creatures and
al l of these changes cannot just happen suddenly by
coincidence. Let us l ist just a few of the things that
fish would need to survive on land:
1. Fish use gi l ls to breathe in water . However, on
land they cannot breathe with their gi l ls and so they
would die. They would need to have lungs. Let us just
suppose that a fish made up its mind to go on land,
where would it get a lung from?
2. Fish do not have a kidney system l ike ours, but
they need one to l ive on land. Probably they found
kidneys lying somewhere when they decided to go on
3. Fish do not have feet . This is why they cannot
walk when they reach shore. Just how did the first
fish that decided to go on land find feet? As this is
impo s s i b l e , i t i s obv i ou s t ha t e v o l u t i on i s t s a r e
wrong about this as wel l .
These are just three of the hundreds of things
that fish must have had in order to survive on land.
Fu r t he rmo r e , i f f i sh d i d change i n t o r ep t i l e s ,
then we should be able to find fossi ls of the mi l l ions
Evolutionists claim that creatures
have evolved into each other by
going through changes for millions
of years. Some of them even say
things such as that fish suddenly
decided to go on land when they
couldn’t find enough food. Who
knows? Maybe fish did not go on
land to find food; maybe they went
on land to watch television, just
like the fish in the drawing. Isn’t it
just so illogical?