Evo lut i oni sts say that rept i l es evo l ved from f i sh .
According to them, one day, when food in the sea was
scarce, fish decided to look for some on land, and when
they were there, they changed into repti les to be able
to survive on land. As you can see, this is an absurd
idea, because everybody knows what would happen to
fish if they went on land: They would die!
D i d you eve r go f i sh i ng? J us t th i nk ! What wou l d
happen if a fish took the bait and was hooked on your
l ine and you saved its l ife and brought it home to rest
in your backyard? As we have just said, it would die. If
you were to fish again, and this time caught many fish
and brought them a l l to l i e i n your backyard , what
would happen? Again, they would al l die!
You see, evolut ioni sts do not accept these things .
They say that one of the fish in your backyard, whi le
waiting for its death, started to change suddenly, and
turned into a repti le and continued to l ive! Something
l ike this is impossible!
Evolutionists claim that, fish decided
to go ashore and changed into land
creatures. In reality, fish that go
ashore die!