Wonders of Allah's Creation by Harun Yahya - page 31

to see . The cent re of v i s i on i s a
sma l l a r ea . T h i s i s t he t i ny a r ea whe r e t he
electrical signals form the image of the book and
that is when you see this book.
Even trying to explain these processes as briefly as
possible takes such a long time, whereas the process
is instantaneous. These processes happen so fast that
when you look at the book, at that instant you are
able to see it .
Isn’t it such a perfect system? If you remember, we
had ment ioned evolut ioni sts ear l ier in the book. We
also mentioned that these people bel ieve that earth,
the un i ve r se , the s tar s and a l l l i v i ng th i ngs ar e a
result of chance. Those who say this say the same
about our eyes . They say, “The eyes occurred by
themselves and through coincidence.” Can such a
complex and wonderful system form by itself? Let
us give an example to clarify how ridiculous this
opinion is:
Eng i nee r s have manu f ac t u r ed t he pho t og r aph i c
and v i de o c ame r a s by c opy i ng t he human e y e .
However, none of this equipment gives as clear a view
a s you r e y e s do . Now l i f t you r head
f r om t he book and l ook a r ound you .
Isn’t your vision clear? There is no blur,
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