Wonders of Allah's Creation by Harun Yahya - page 37

It is unimaginable for a country to be without
a network of roads, railways or seaways. A
unique network in your body allows it to
function faultlessly. These are the blood
vessels of our circulatory system. Inside these
vessels, the blood flows that the heart
continuously pumps. The blood carries
countless materials from one part of the body
to another. It distributes food continuously to
each part of the body and collects
waste materials.
and has done so since the day we were born
and wi l l continue to do so unti l the day we
d i e . Mo r eov e r , i t ne v e r t ake s a b r eak .
You , f o r e x amp l e , wou l d t ak e a b r eak
whi le doing a di ff i cul t chore . You would
probably need to l ie down, or
t ak e a r e s t , bu t ou r hea r t s
don’t become tired, because they
are essential for our survival . It is
smal l but its task is enormous. This
is why Al lah has created it in such a
way that it never tires.
Blood cell
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