Tabligh Movement
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based on eternal truths. It is eternal values that
concern this movement. Its appeal is to human
nature which is not subject to change. While
external circumstances are in a state off flux, issues
which initially seemed important tend to lose their
charm. So a movement based on current issues can
never have a lasting appeal. It can only find its
place in the storehouse of history. Since the Tabligh
movement is based on the demands of human
nature; its appeal is lasting, and, so long as its
people continue to carry on the work with sincerity
of intention, the appeal will last, no matter how
circumstances may change.
After Nizamuddin I stopped on my way at Aligarh.
I was surprised to find hundreds of students who
had undergone a transformation through the efforts
of Tabligh workers over the last few years. There
was a markedly different attitude towards religion
then than there had been when I went there a few
years ago. The students who were known for
having disregarded religion under the influence of
western culture and education could now be seen
going to the mosque for their daily prayers; they
visit the Nizamuddin Bangla Wali Mosque, to