Tabligh Movement
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only asset. No movement of modern times shows
the capacity to continue to influence people on an
intellectual plane. Although such movements seem
to prosper even in the second phase so far as
membership numbers are concerned, this success is
not of the same nature as the original one. It almost
assumes the form of a business, and the goal is
relegated to the background.
The Tabligh movement enjoys a special advantage
over other movements in that its appeal is enduring
even today, and it has considerably expanded its
horizons. People take part in its programmes with
increasing interest and the numbers of new people
coming to its fold are ever-increasing. The change
in the lives of such people is pronounced, and the
propagation of the message is on the increase.
Usually movements and parties are a product of
their own time and circumstances. Although they
claim to have derived their goal from eternal truths
and use similar terms to express their aims and
objectives, they are set in the present – a reaction to
the circumstances. But the Tabligh work far from
being something of momentary significance is