Tabligh Movement
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exposed to the Islamic environment. Free from the
worries and concerns of their daily chores, they
proved to be more receptive to the message than
could ever have been expected. The Bangla Wali
Mosque became a practical centre where this
method was applied to all those who gathered
there. The Islamic environment is manifest there for
all the twenty-four hours of the day. There is only
one topic which dominates all conversation—the
establishment of a proper relationship with God,
because it is in God’s hands that all power rests.
The Tabligh missionaries aim at creating in the
mosques they visit the same spiritual atmosphere
that is found in Bangala Wali Mosque. During their
visit to a mosque, they first go round the
neighbourhood and invite people to the mosque.
When the people have gathered they first have to
say their prayers, then they are asked to
recite parts from the Quran. Afterwards passages
from the Hadith are read out to them, then they are
helped to learn certain prayers by heart. They are
told the rewards of good deeds and are reminded of