Tabligh Movement
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in a religious milieu that lends further emphasis to
it. It is on a parallel with just listening to the sound-
track of a play on the radio, as compared to being
present in the theatre while it is being staged. The
same difference is to be found between conveying
the message through the news media and in making
a personal approach.
There are, moreover, further advantages to this
personal approach. It is possible, for example, to
change the style of the speech to suit the needs of
the audience. This is just not possible if the message
is imparted through the medium of books or
magazines. In one of the speeches made at
Nizamuddin, it was related that at a certain place a
juggler was making his monkeys perform. When
the Tabligh people saw him, they went up to him to
invite him to join in the prayers with them, but he
refused. They came back in despair and said that
they had done their best to persuade him but he
would not relent. Then three more people followed
them. They said to him, “Sir, why are you spoiling
your life by making these monkeys dance? In the
next world God’s angels will make you dance to the
same tune.” The juggler was moved. He listened to