of a man and a woman in
marriage is the most unique event in the Universe.
All the things created in the universe are created
in pairs. But the compatibility that exists between
a man and a woman cannot be found in any other
created thing. When a man and a woman come
together as life partners, it is evident that they
have been made for one another through a
conscious plan.
Once life partners realize this, they will be
overwhelmed with gratitude at having found
each other. They will consider it a blessing. This
happiness in each other will endure; they will feel
as if they have found something priceless.
Imagine a world without men, or a world
without women! There would be life, but it would
be totally bereft of happiness. There would be an
over-powering feeling that something is missing,
something is incomplete. Hence, a world without
men is as meaningless as a world without women.