GOD ARISES by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 231

God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
~ 231 ~
In the course of the above discussion, with reference
to psychological research, it has been shown how all
the thoughts in the human mind remain preserved
indefinitely in the memory cells, the subconscious
part of the brain. This clearly shows that the human
mind does not form a part of the body, the particles
of which undergo a complete change every few
years. Just reflect upon the fact that, even after a
hundred years, there occurs no faintness, no
delusion, nor any error in the record maintained at
the sub-conscious level. If memory is related to the
body, where is it situated, what part of the body
does it occupy and when the body particles
gradually disappear within a few years, why does
not memory also disappear? What manner of a
record is it that remains intact even when the plate
on which it is engraved is broken into pieces? This
advanced study of psychology clearly proves that
the human entity is not in fact the body, which, of
necessity, deteriorates and dies. There is, on the
contrary, something over and above the body which
is not subject to death or decay and which has an
immutable and independent existence whose
continuity remains unbroken.
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