God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
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Those who adhere to the view that the life hereafter
is merely a hypothesis should pause to consider
why, if it is really only hypothetical, we should find
this notion so indispensable. Why is it that, without
such a concept, we cannot have true social order?
Why is it that if this concept is eliminated from
human thinking, the whole moral structure of life
disintegrates? Can any mere hypothesis be so
integral to life as this? Is there any other single
example in this universe of a supposedly non-
existent thing looming so large in human life, as a
positive reality? The concept of the life hereafter
being so vital to the establishment of a just and
equitable order of life clearly shows that it is the
greatest and most universal of all truths. It is in no
way an exaggeration to say that, seen in this way,
the concept of the life hereafter is quite consistent
with the standards set by empiricism.
From another standpoint, the life hereafter may be
viewed as the result of a ‘universal demand.’ In the
last chapter, the existence of God in the universe
was discussed and it became clear that a purely
scientific and rational study demands that we
believe in God as creator and sustainer of the