God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
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This system places no restraints, however, on those
actually in authority. How then are those in power
to be guided on to the path of justice? Even if laws
are made and a whole army of policemen is raised,
how is it possible to control people at places and on
occasions which are beyond the reach of the police
and the law? If a campaign appealing to the masses
is launched, no matter how persuasive its
propaganda may be, it is unlikely that those who
have benefited materially from corrupt practices
will relinquish their hold on their ill-gotten gains, or
will change their ways one whit for the better.
Humane appeals all too often fall on deaf ears. Even
the fear of punishment in this world is unlikely to
deter the criminal and the corrupt, for everyone
knows fully well that falsehood, bribery, unfair
influence and a host of other such underhand
strategies will eventually win the day. Well-versed
as they are in such tactics, the corrupt seldom feel
apprehensive about prosecution and punishment.
If a man is to be successfully deterred from corrupt
practices it is his own, inner motivation which will
do this best. In the case of an upright, honest man,
his will will be strengthened by the thought of the