GOD ARISES by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 192

God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
~ 192 ~
death. The concept of life after death, viewed in this
way, appears irrational and unconnected with
I should like to point out at this juncture, that if this
is the sum total of man’s existence, we should
certainly be in a position to create a man—a
conscious, living being. Today we are highly
knowledgeable about the elements which make up
the human body. All of these are, obtainable in
abundance, beneath the surface of the earth and in
the atmosphere. We have examined in great detail
the internal system of the body with a microscopic
‘eye’ and we are very well aware of how the
skeleton, veins, fibres, etc. have been constructed.
Moreover, we have the services of so many expert
artists who can copy the human body to perfection.
If the antagonists of the ‘soul’-concept are truly
convinced that their views are correct, they should
prove their point by constructing ‘human’ bodies,
placing them in sets of circumstances where they
receive the correct number and type of stimuli and
then demonstrating to the rest of the world how
these inert bodies begin to move about and talk in
response to their environment. The plain fact that
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