God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
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Today we apprehend it as a probability; tomorrow
we shall witness it as a fact.
(the Final Day) has been accepted as a
probability, the second question that must be asked
is: “Is there any life after death?” The answer to this
tends, nowadays, to be in the negative because we
are so used to thinking of life in terms of all the
material elements of which it is apparently
composed. We think of life developing when all the
aforesaid elements are arranged in a particular
order, and, as a corollary to that, we think of death
as shattering that order and, in consequence,
obviating all possibility of life after death.
T.R. Miles regards the concept of resurrection as a
symbolic truth and refuses to accept it literally:
It seems to me that there is a good case for
regarding ‘People have experiences after
death’ as a literal, factually significant
assertion capable in principle of being verified
or falsified by experience. The only difficulty,
in that case, is that, until we die, there is no
means of discovering the true answer.
Speculation, of course, is possible. It might be