God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
~ 189 ~
When a machine is in operation, it undergoes a
gradual process of deterioration; in like manner, our
bodily ‘machine’ is in a continual state of
deterioration. Its ‘bricks’ are constantly being
eroded and destroyed in the normal course of our
daily lives. But we compensate for this loss by
taking in food. Once digested, this produces various
forms of cells which counterbalance any physical
deficiency. Our bodies are, in fact, a compound of
cells that is always in the process of change. It is like
a large river that is always filled with water,
without the water ever remaining the same. At
every moment the old water is being replaced by
the new. The container remains the same, but the
water flows on.
Our bodies are so constantly undergoing changes
that a time comes when all of the ‘bricks’ in our
bodies have been eroded and replaced by new ones.
During childhood, this is a fairly rapid process.
However, as one ages, this process slows down day
by day. Over an entire lifetime, on an average, all of
the body cells are renewed every ten years. This
process of the death and decomposition of the body
goes on continually, whereas the inner man