GOD ARISES by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 199

God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
~ 199 ~
for us to understand what we hear, whether it be
the sound of a bell ringing, a bird chirruping or a
series of spoken words.
It has been proved that sound waves once produced
continue to exist for ever in the atmosphere.
Although our technology is not yet so advanced as
to enable us to catch and reproduce these sounds,
science, is making such rapid and gigantic leaps
forward that it will only be a matter of a very short
time before we are actually able to do so. It has been
accepted, in theory, that we shall have the physical
means to listen to the sounds produced in ancient
times, just as we receive the sounds relayed from
broadcasting stations and have them made
intelligible for us by radios. The obstacles to the
actual catching of sounds from ancient times are
fewer than the difficulties of separating individual
sounds from the complex mixture of noises
produced at any given moment. The same
difficulties occur in broadcasting. There are
hundreds of radio stations all over the world
simultaneously relaying innumerable and vastly
different kinds of programmes at the enormous
speed of one lakh and eighty-six miles per second.
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