God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
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I am at a loss to understand those who overlook the
existence of such a strong psychological demand.
How can they simply brush aside arguments in
favour of the afterlife as being invalid? If the desire
for a better world is simply the outcome of certain
sets of circumstances, why should it correspond, so
perfectly, to human aspirations. Can we cite any
other thing which has remained so in consonance
with human feelings over a period of thousands
and thousands of years together with such
unbroken continuity? The idea of the life hereafter
has been deeply embedded in human psychology
for as long as human beings have existed. It is
inconceivable that this should be a false notion fed
to uncritical, unsuspecting minds by men of
superior but perverted intellect.
Many of the wishes of man remain unrealised in
this world. He longs for eternal life right here in this
world, but everything is terminated by death. How
ironic it is that it is often just when a man, thanks to
his knowledge, experience and endeavours is on the
threshold of success, that he is cut short in his prime
and simply disappears from the scene of life.
Statistics gathered on successful businessmen in