GOD ARISES by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 182

God Arises
Argument for the Life Hereafter
~ 182 ~
longest of all forms of plant-life. But wheat, which
likewise, has no nervous system, survives for only
one year. And the amoeba, with a minute nervous
system, survives for only half an hour. These
examples would appear to imply the reverse—that
is, animals belonging to the higher species, with
perfect nervous systems, should live longer. But
that is not the case either. Creatures relatively lower
down the evolutionary scale, like crocodiles, turtles
and fishes, are the ones who survive the longest.
All the investigations so far carried out with the
objective of showing that death need not be a
certainty have met with total failure. The fact still
remains that, one-day, all human beings will have
to die. There is no avoiding death. Dr. Alexis Carrel,
a French Nobel prize-winner, who has done
advanced research in tissue culture, has discussed
this problem at length under the heading of Inward
Man will never tire of seeking immortality. He
will not attain it, because he is bound by
certain laws of his organic constitution. He
may succeed in retarding, perhaps even in
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