God Arises
Nature and Science Speak about God
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could get a map of the world by spilling a glass of
water on the floor.”
It may well be asked where the floor, the
gravitational force of the earth, the water and the
glass came from in order to bring about this ‘chance
Haeckel, a noted biologist, claimed, “Give me air,
water, chemical elements and time and I will make
a man.” This claim obviously implied that God was
not necessary for such a feat. But by admitting the
prior presence of the man – himself – and the
material conditions essential for the success of his
project, he unwittingly demonstrated the vacuity of
such a notion.
Dr. Morrison has rightly said: “While asserting this,
Haeckel overlooked the problem of genes and life
itself. To bring a man into existence, first of all he
would have to obtain the invisible atoms. Then,
after putting them in a specific order, he would
have to construct a gene and import life to it. Even
then, the probability of its chance creation is one in
crores. But even supposing that he succeeded, he
could not call it an ‘accident’. On the contrary, he