Al lah is the One Who created earth, the sun, stars
and moon. So how did al l the l iving things on earth
c ome i n t o be i ng ? Imag i ne a huge p l ane t w i t h i t s
sur face comp l ete l y empty . There are no humans or
animals, no plants or insects.
Ear th has been decorat ed i n a l ot of de ta i l for
l iving things to survive. Al lah is the One Who has given
earth al l these detai l s . Otherwi se none of us would
have been able to l ive, neither you, nor your parents,
or indeed any of your friends would have been here.
Let’s consider how Al lah created the earth so that
l iving things can survive:
1 . T h i nk abou t… how o r de r l y e v e r y t h i ng i n t he
universe is. The sun has been put in the exact position
from which it could warm us and give us l ight at the
same time. If there were no sun, there would not have
been one l i v ing thing on earth . Ne i ther us , nor the
animals nor any other creatures would have been able
to l ive.
2. Al lah has also distanced the sun from earth to
just the right extent . If earth was a l ittle bit closer to
the sun, the heat would have scorched it and we would
not have been able to l ive. If earth was a l ittle more
d i s t an t f r om t he s un , t hen g l a c i e r s wou l d hav e
covered i t and aga i n , few l i v i ng th i ngs wou l d have
been able to survive. This is one of the reasons why
there i s no l i fe on other planets , because they are
either too close to the sun or too distant from it .
3 . As you know, l i v ing things need to breathe in
order to l ive. We need oxygen in the air so that we can
breathe. Exactly the right amount of oxygen exists in
the ai r so that human be ings can breathe . If there
were a l ittle bit more or a l ittle bit less, neither we,
nor the animals, nor the plants would have survived,