Tabligh Movement By Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 46

Tabligh Movement
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egotism. One’s soul then undergoes such an
experience that one can feel the blessing of God
descending upon one.
Such an experience, which defies description gives a
new dimension to human personality. The
worshipper consciously realizes how helpless and
powerless he is before God. Humility and modesty
alone befits a servant of God. In the process,
arrogance and haughtiness, which are the source of
most evils, vanish into thin air.
Prayer, as is mentioned in the Quran, also keeps one
away from evils and shameful practices. With every
prayer, man expresses his servitude before God and
promises to Him that he will lead his life as His
devoted servant. It reminds him of the day of
reckoning. If man is true to his words, his life can be
transformed by them.
Remembrance, which is called Dhikr, forms an
important aspect of prayer. To fill one’s heart and
mind with remembrances of God is to occupy it
with such thoughts as befit it. Prayer thus serves to
train people’s thoughts and feelings in the best
possible way.
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