Tabligh Movement
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been transformed into the most sincere and most
serious of young men. Later on, he chose to become
a volunteer of the Tabligh mission. When asked the
reason for his complete transformation, he would
simply say, “Maulana Ilyas has captured me.” At a
point where training and education had failed,
prayer had triumphed.
The career of Maulana Ilyas in particular, and the
Tabligh mission in general, is full of such instances.
The power of prayer, love, character and sympathy
has, astonishingly, conquered innumerable hearts.
The answering of prayer gives great inspiration to
the people associated with the mission. Simplicity,
perceptiveness, natural arguments and a realistic
approach cannot but fail to move any audience. The
Tabligh preachers, so to speak, follow the path of
the heart as opposed to that of the mind. This is
their greatest asset.
The Maulana’s plan had six important aims. They