Tabligh Movement
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physical powers as enable them to surmount all
difficulties. They do not stop short when it comes to
circumstances may be. To them prayer is as
dependable as anything can be. It is like the magic
wand of Moses.
Be it an individual or a community, there is always
the need for external support, to give the stability,
courage and confidence necessary for survival. In
search of such a prop, people tend to look up to
some visible material object. Their worldly
mentality leads them to think only in terms of
worldly sureties and guarantees. Naturally, those
who do not own worldly resources are considered
ill-fitted to live in this world. But the Tabligh
concept of prayer acquaints man with a treasure
that has nothing to do with worldly resources. It
lays claims only on one’s heart which no one can
take away from one. When man surrenders his
heart to God in total submission, the whole
universe capitulates before him.
A concept which bestows upon man such huge
reserves of strength; which arms a resourcesless