Tabligh Movement By Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 23

Tabligh Movement
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But not the Maulana. He would stand up on the top
of hills in prayer for hours.
When he died, his body had been given a bath, and
was being perfumed, when one of his close
colleagues said: “Perfume his forehead well, it used
to stay in prostration for hours.”
His heart-felt prayers, sacrifices, his attachment to
God gave such force and effect to his mission that
today it makes people wonder at the astonishing
results achieved, as they find it hard to explain this
phenomenal success in material terms.
Here is a short extract from one of his letters which
shows the degree of his involvement:
“The results are in proportion to one’s
struggle. The more one humbles oneself
before the Lord, and bears the hardship in this
path; the more one is entitled to divine
These words give an accurate picture of the
Maulana himself. In actual fact, his self-abnegation
in God’s path was total, and this gave peculiar
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