Tabligh Movement
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are no chances of misrepresentation. The main
terms are fully understood by the people, and
become a part of their consciousness. Then it is not
so much the speaker’s words being a source of
introduction, as people’s minds being already
conditioned to the thoughts expressed, which
makes it easier to convey the message. There is,
therefore, no need for the reservations initially
considered necessary.”
Another thing is that there are many different
aspects of a movement. In practice, the movement
functions only in the field for which its workers are
well-equipped. How can one succeed in realizing
projects for which there are no efficient hands? The
method adopted by the Maulana at the outset
cannot be underestimated as a matter of funda-
mental principle, but the abilities of the workers
that came to him also account in large measure for
the way his mission took shape. With the spread of
the movement, the work can also be expanded to
other fields, as the workers are now more versatile
than they were formerly. The Maulana once said
something of great value. He said that one approach
is through general training and education, whereas,