Global Warming and Islam By Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 20

percent is being undertaken. I am sure that
soon this process will reach its culmination.
This will mean that the Qiamah has come very
close— the Qiamah about which we had been
warned by the prophets.
Three Blasts
From the hadith we learn that three blasts
will be sounded before the Qiamah.
The first will sound an alarm, the second will
be the death blow and the third will be the
announcement of the resurrection.
Inmy view, the sounding of the alarm is nothing
but the warning signs in the nature of the first
blast, revealed by the scientific surveys and
expressed in scientific language. The second
blast will be the death blow when all people
will die and the third blast will herald the
resurrection when all human beings will be
raised up and brought before their Creator.
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