3. Similarly according to a hadith, ‘smoke will
rise before Doomsdaywhichwill fill the east
and the west.’ (Al Qurtubi, vol. 16, p. 131).
This tradition clearly refers to the modern
phenomenon of smog produced by air
This kind of air pollution did not exist in
ancient times. No one could even conceive
of such a thing. This tradition surely is a
prediction of this modern phenomenon
which is a product of industrial activity.
4. Similarly, we have been told of another sign
to appear before the Qiamah. “Soon a
mountain of goldwill appear in theEuphrates
River. When people learn about it, they will
rush to take possession of it. Those who
are near it will say that if they allow others
to take it, they will take all of it. Then there
will be a war to take control of it. In that