have appeared which tell us that this limited
period of time is reaching its end. From the
Quran and Hadith we also learn that, before
the end of the world, a last call will be given so
that the human beings inhabiting this world
finally come to know that they have to stand
before the Creator of this world for the final
reckoning, and that thereafter there will be
either eternal heaven or eternal hell.
This call before Doomsday or Qiamah is not
going to be performed miraculously. Rather it
will be performed through the process of
‘cause and effect’. Now the opportunities for
this final call have fully come into existence.
What is required is for people to rise and fully
avail of these opportunities and give a call for
the acceptance of the divine message
throughout the world.
The Angel Israfil, who holds the trumpet, is
perhaps waiting for this final call. According