Global Warming and Islam By Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 5

The earth is a unique planet in the vast
Universe. It provides in an exceptional manner
everything that is required to support life. As
such, it has enabled human beings to inhabit it
and develop civilizations. But according to the
Quran, this state of affairs is not going to last
forever. A time will come when the earth will
lose all its greenery and its vegetation and it
will become an arid waste. This will happen
some time before Doomsday.According to the
“We have adorned the earth with attractive
things, so that We may test mankind as to
which one is best in conduct. But We will
surely reduce all that is on it to a barren
waste.” (18:7-8).
In the first quarter of the 7
centuryA.D. when
this verse was revealed in the Quran, it was a
very distant prediction. However, the scientific
1,2,3,4 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,...32