Global Warming and Islam By Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 25

chance, will have a fate such as is described
in the Bible:
“And they will be cast into the furnace of
fire. There will be wailing and gashing of
teeth for all eternity.” (Matthew 13:42)
Warning Signs of Doomsday
In the first week of June 2007 a conference of
the G-8 nations was held in Berlin, Germany,
in which the heads of the developed countries
participated. The main issue on its agenda was
global warming; but, even after lengthy
discussions, no programme could be finalized
to address this concern.
The Times of India
NewDelhi of June 10, 2007, published a report
of this meeting titled:
“Too broke to save the world.”
Given this state of affairs, it is the responsibility
of the representatives of all religions to apprise
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