First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 99

20th century
A Russian cosmonaut (astronaut) called Yuri Gagarin in 1961.
Pop music
The Beatles were one of the
most successful pop groups
of all time. In the 1960s,
millions of people bought
their records. Performances
on television also helped to
boost their fame. The Beatles
split up in 1970.
Many new types
of technology were
developed in the 20th century.
Microchips were invented in
the 1950s. They are used in
computers, televisions, stereos,
and many other machines.
Nelson Mandela
There were many important
political changes during the
20th century. Nelson Mandela
fought against an unfair
political system in South
Africa. He became president
of South Africa in 1994.
The environment
Some people began to worry about
the damage that humans are doing
to the environment. They formed
organizations such as Greenpeace
and Friends of the Earth.
Advances made in the
20th century have made
many people’s lives easier.
Buzz Aldrin
was the
second man
on the Moon.
Man on the Moon
In 1969, astronauts visited the Moon
for the first time. People all around
the world watched on television as
the astronauts stepped onto the
Moon’s grey, dusty surface.
such as the jet
engine have made
travel fast and cheap.
became extremely
popular, and many sports
people became very famous.
Mobile telephones
and the
it easy to keep in touch.
Medical advances
us to fight diseases and
recover from injuries.
Scientific discoveries
such as DNA, helped
medicine and technology.
The Beatles playing live on television in New
York, USA
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