First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 84

How did early people start fires?
History of people
The first farmers
Until 10,000 years ago,
people had to travel in
search of food. Then they
began to grow crops and keep
animals for meat and milk.
These people were the first
The first human beings lived
about two million years ago.
We do not know exactly
what they looked like, but
we do know how they lived.
Tools and fire
We take fire and tools
for granted, but early
people had to learn
how to make and use
them. The first tools
were stone hand
axes, made about
600,000 years ago.
Cave shelters
Early people used caves like these
as shelters. Inside, the caves were
safe and warm. Sometimes, people
painted the walls with pictures
of the animals they hunted.
Early people
From apes to
human beings
Our oldest ancestors
looked like apes.
Slowly, they became
more human-like
and began to walk
upright on two legs.
habilis skull
Neanderthal skull
human skull
This woman is grinding
grain between two stones
to make flour for bread.
A flint hand
axe from
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