First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 214

Science is the search for truth and
knowledge. It holds the key to
understanding life, the Universe…
and almost everything!
Scientists divide science
into different areas.
What is science?
What is the study of animals called?
Science and technology
From atoms to space
Scientists study a huge
variety of things, from
the tiniest atoms that
make up everything
around us to the
mysteries of space.
Life science
How do living things survive
and grow, where do they live,
what do they eat, and how do
their bodies work? Life science
seeks to answer such questions
about the living world, from
microscopic bacteria to plants
and animals – including you!
Physical science
This science looks at
energy and forces. There
are different types of
energy, including light,
heat, and sound. Forces
are the things that hold
everything in place in
our world. Without the
force of gravity, for
example, you would fly
off into space!
Everything you
see is made up of
microscopic atoms.
Life science studies the living
world around us.
We have learned how to send
energy to where it is needed.
Planet Earth
The scientific
study of plants
is called botany.
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