First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 147

The world of fish
The seahorse is the slowest fish that lives in the sea.
Most fish are covered in hundreds
of scales that overlap like roof tiles.
Tiny animals can get under the scales
and harm them, so fish let other
creatures give them a regular clean.
Fish come in all
colours and patterns.
Freshwater fish and those living
in cooler waters tend to be duller in
colour. Tropical fish are sometimes
incredibly bright and beautiful.
Fishy features
Most fish look like the
pyjama cardinalfish on
the left. Some however have
a different appearance. This eel
looks more like a snake with fins.
Unlike a snake it has sharp teeth.
Living together
Fish sometimes swim
in huge groups called
schools. When so many
swim together they look like
one big fish so they are less
likely to be attacked.
The art of swimming
Many fish swim like snakes slide –
they wriggle in an ‘s’ shape. Their
whole bodies move from side
to side and their tails flick
to push them forwards.
Their fins help to
steer them.
Some fish can
turn on their sides
and roll right over.
A few can even
swim upside-down!
Eels are found
in fresh water
and sea water.
Colours can
be used for
or to attract
a mate.
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