First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 152

Mushrooms, toadstools, yeasts, and
moulds are all kinds of fungi. Fungi
are neither animals nor plants. They
feed on living or dead animals or
plants, and absorb their nutrients.
How big is the world’s largest fungus?
The living world
Many fungi are hidden in the
soil, or inside food sources like
trees. They only become
visible when they
grow mushrooms.
Mushrooms scatter
spores, which will
grow into new fungi.
Moulds are microscopic fungi
which grow in long strands
called “hyphae”. They feed
on dead organic matter – like
our food – by making it rot.
Warm, moist
Bread mould
Wood blewit mushroom
Penny bun
Fly agaric
Jelly antler fungus
Picking wild mushrooms
Many wild mushrooms are not only edible, but
delicious. However others are highly poisonous!
Harmful mushrooms are often called toadstools.
They sometimes use bright colours to warn
animals not to eat them.
The gills release
spores into the air.
Athlete’s foot
Athlete’s foot is a disease
caused by ringworm fungi
growing on human feet. It
makes the skin between your
toes turn red and flaky.
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