First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 136

What is the world’s smallest bird?
The living world
Only a few animals in the world are
able to fly – insects, bats, and birds.
But none of them is more powerful
or skilled than the bird.
Different feathers
have different
jobs on a bird.
Tail feather:
and thin for steering and
balancing during flight.
Outer wing:
feathers to provide
power in flight.
Body feather:
soft and
downy to keep a bird warm.
Some have exotic colours.
The world of birds
Feathered friends
Birds are the only creatures
that have feathers. They
use them to fly and to
keep warm. Some birds
use brightly coloured
feathers for display.
Inner wing:
smooth and flat
to help flight.
A rigid “backbone” or quill
runs through the centre of the
wing feathers to strengthen
them for flying.
Feathers are
made up of
tiny hair-like
barbs that
all mesh
Birds spend much
of their time looking
after, or preening, their
feathers to keep them
in good condition.
Birds’ feet are
designed for
different purposes,
such as climbing,
clutching berries,
or holding on
to branches.
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