First Children's Encyclopedia by Dorling Kindersley - page 134

What noise do seals make?
The living world
Water mammals
Underwater lives
Seals spend most of their
lives in water, but return
to land to have babies.
They have a thick layer
of fat, called blubber,
which keeps them warm.
Seals are
often very
playful in
the water.
Sea lions can walk
more easily than
other seals because
their flippers are
able to move in
several directions.
Sea lion
Not all mammals live on land – some live in
water. Unlike fish, however, water mammals
have to go to the surface to breathe.
Seals, which include sea lions
and walruses, have flippers
instead of arms and legs,
which make them very good
at swimming but not good
at walking.
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