The World of Animals by Harun Yahya - page 122

The most interesting characteristic of
this fish, which is adorned with brilliant colours, is the place which Allah
has chosen for it to live in. The clown fish lives on the branches of a
plant-like creature called the "sea anemone". There are poisonous
capsules on the sea anemone's branches and fish touching them are
either harmed or killed. However, the clown fish never receives harm
from the sea anemone. Furthermore, it takes refuge in its branches and
protects itself against its predators. A special secretion peculiar to the
clown fish protects it against the biting capsules of the sea anemone.
Isn't this astonishing? Unlike other fish, this fish secretes a secretion
that prevents it from being harmed by the poisonous capsules in the
environment in which it lives. And as if it knows that it will not
be harmed, at moments of danger it immediately hides itself
among these poisonous capsules. How does it know that
other fish cannot approach there or that they are unable
to secrete such a secretion? No doubt, neither the brain
nor the skills of a little fish can grant it such knowledge.
There is certainly a power that teaches it all these; this
power is Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth and
everything in between.
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