points and make their body accustomed to that pressure
in order not to be affected by alterations in pressure.
This way, they can reach very great depths slowly.
But remember that they need to pause and rest
at certain intervals during their return to the
surface. Otherwise, due to pressure differences,
the veins of the diver suffer harm resulting in his
death. Whales do not have such a problem,
because, Allah has given living beings the features
they need to survive in their particular habitats.
Whales can live in oceans whereas human beings can
live on land.
You probably know that whales spray water from a
hole on the top of their head. Do you know that this
hole is actually a nose? The whale uses its nose only
to breathe. Some people think that the whale only
sprays water from this hole. The truth is, the whale
releases the air in its lungs. Since this air contains
water vapour and is hotter than the air outside, it
is perceived as water from a distance.
The body of a whale is usually in the shape of a
torpedo and is extremely suitable for swimming in
water. While the tails of other fish are
perpendicular to the water surface, the tails of
whales are horizontal and parallel with the water
surface. By means of this tail, the whale pushes
itself ahead in the water.