The World of Animals by Harun Yahya - page 112

There are a total of 14 to 15 rings on a
caterpillar's body. It has little eyes on its
head, and a jaw that it uses for chewing. On
the front part of its trunk, it has eight legs.
When the butterfly is still in the form of a
caterpillar, it has no wings and its antenna
are very short. Meanwhile, its salivary gland
secretes a kind of silk.
A caterpillar does not become
longer as it grows; it only puts on
weight. Finally, the caterpillar breaks
loose from its skin by gradually
tearing it. This skin is quickly replaced
by a skin more fitting to its fat body.
Caterpillars are very delicious
creatures for birds that feed on
insects. For this reason, our Lord has
taught caterpillars various defence
techniques. When standing upright,
some of them resemble a branch,
some of them camouflage themselves
by remaining on a leaf that is exactly
the same colour as their bodies,
while some others play dead. These
defence techniques are vital for their
survival. They remain alive and grow
into butterflies, thanks to these
defence techniques.
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