Wonders of Allah's Creation by Harun Yahya - page 94

hav e s e en a l l s how how pe op l e and o t he r l i v i ng
things have been crippled after mutating as a result
of radiation.
You could ask what does this have to do with our
topic? We mentioned earl ier that evolutionists claim
that l iving things turned into other species and this
is how they evolved. They, for instance, say that fish
turned into repti les.
I f you were to ask , how can a f i sh turn i nto a
rept i l e , they would repl y : One day a f i sh mutates ,
that means that it goes through an event just l ike
the chi ldren in Japan who were exposed to radiation.
Because of this mutation, the body of the fish goes
through some changes and one day, mi l l ions of years
later, you would come across a crocodi le that used to
be a fish!
T h i s c l a im i s non s en s e . Fu r t he rmo r e , a s we
ment ioned above, mutat ions are always harmful to
l i v ing creatures . They e i ther cr ippl e them or make
them very sick. Nonetheless, the theory of evolution
sti l l maintains that mutations have caused the fish
to evolve and changed them into repti les. This is just
too fantastical ly unbel ievable for anyone to bel ieve.
If mutations were beneficial , when the radiation
l eak o c c u r r ed , e v e r yone wou l d hav e gone t o
Chernobyl to evolve into more advanced beings . In
f ac t , e v e r yone ha s f l ed f r om Che r noby l , and t he
adv e r s e a f f e c t s o f Che r noby l i n c i den t a r e s t i l l
evident .
We can compar e evo l ut i on i s t s ’ c l a ims wi th the
fol lowing example: If you took hold of an axe and hit
a b l a c k and wh i t e t e l e v i s i on w i t h i t , c ou l d you
change this television into a coloured one? Of course
not! If you randomly hit a television with an axe, you
wou l d end up wi th a smashed set . Jus t as h i t t i ng
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