Wonders of Allah's Creation by Harun Yahya - page 63

months, he moves about
wi th the egg be tween
his feet . This is why he
i s unab l e t o go
hun t i ng and r ema i n s
hungry. The weather is
v e r y c o l d . When t he
wea t he r
be c ome s
unbea r ab l y c o l d , a l l t he
ma l e pengu i ns get together
e v en i f t he y a r e ca r r y i ng egg s
between thei r feet . They come c lose
to each other, forming a circle, and
in this way, they warm each other up.
They continuously switch positions so
that the ones left outside the circle
can a l so become warm. Jus t as the
egg is about to hatch, the mother penguin returns
from hunting. She feeds her baby with the food that
she has stored in her throat . To prevent the baby
from freezing, the mother and father penguins
car ry i t i n between the i r feet and keep i t
warm wi th the fur of the i r abdomen . As
you can see, Al lah has given these lovely
creatures some exquisite features . Al lah
has created the penguin with a body that
protects i t from the cold, and has al so
made it very devoted. Because they are so
ded i cat ed , they take wonde r fu l car e of
their offspring. This feature has been given
to the pengu i ns mi l l i ons of years ago . The
pengu i ns that have l i ved before and the ones
that are l iving now have not changed a bit when it
comes to the devotion that they display.
When penguins go
hunting, they leave their
young in this position. The
young penguins that keep
close together don't become
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