The worker bee becomes exhausted after working
non-stop for another 2 to 3 weeks and dies.
During their brief l ives, the bees work non-stop. In
addition, no one teaches them the work that they are
supposed to do . They s tar t to work s t ra i ght af ter
birth. Just think, if a new-born baby were to get out
of i t s bed , f i r s t make i t s bed , wash up , and then
begin to take care of the other babies; wash them,
feed them, dress them. I sn ’ t th i s j us t imposs i b l e?
Yet , bees manage such an imposs ible task, because
Al lah has created them with the capabi l ities to do so.
T h e H o n e y B e e s t h a t D a n c e
Did anyone ever tel l you that bees have a dance?
Some bees look for a food source outside the beehive.
After flying about al l day long, they find their own
sour ce and take wi th them as much roya l j e l l y as
they can, and then they return to their hive. There is
sti l l a lot more royal jel ly left at the source but the
bee cannot col lect it al l without the help of the other
bees . The scout bee keeps the locat ion of the food
source i n mi nd and qu i ck l y returns to the h i ve to
ga t he r i t s f r i end s . I t s t a r t s t o make mov e s t ha t
Bees dance by making movements resembling the figure "8". Their
dance has a purpose: To show their co-workers the location of a
food source.