The Prophet Muhammad A simple Guide to his Life
The Prophet in the Qur’an
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hearers, but rather on their future. If anyone treated
him badly, he adopted an attitude of restraint, being
convinced that, at some future date his addressees
would certainly understand the importance of the
truth, at which point nothing would stop them from
accepting it.
In the eyes of the Prophet the enemy too was a
friend; he saw today’s opponents as tomorrow’s
In chapter no. 46 of the Qur’an the Prophet is thus
addressed by God:
Bear up then with patience, as did the steadfast
apostles before you, and do not seek to hurry on
their doom. On the day when they behold the
scourge with which they are threatened, their life
on earth will seem to them no longer than an hour.
That is but a warning and none but the evil-doers
will be destroyed. (46:35)
The Prophet’s most dominant trait was patience.
One who calls for truth has to resist any tendency to